
We have a proven history of providing flexible, creative, bespoke solutions supporting Autistic people.

Partnership working is vital – we know that we can best meet people’s needs by collaborating with the individual, their families and the wider professional teams. Together, we assess, plan, and deliver the care that is needed through wrap-around support – vital to meet the unique needs, goals, and preferences of each person’s support. 

All staff must complete training in Autism which provide the foundation and level of understanding of Autism and how this can affect people in diverse ways. Additional person-centred training is then completed around individual’s communication, sensory needs, and particular needs. 

For more information about LDA and the services we provide, please take a look at our brochure.

Sandra’s Story

Sandra is a client who LDA support 24 hrs a day in her own home with her own team of staff.

Sandra had gone through a lot of changes in her life and moved around the country, which she found difficult to cope with. She would become frustrated, shout a lot, swear at people, and break everything around her. Unfortunately, this meant Sandra’s life was restricted and her support staff needed to monitor her emotional health closely.

Sandra’s support team worked with her to find the root cause of her frustration and identify solutions. Through discussions with her support staff, talking about issues at her own pace, Sandra was able to identify what made her anxious and how this led her to feeling she had no control of her life.

LDA worked closely with her, discussing how she felt and how she wanted to change. The discussions led to an understanding that Sandra likes the idea of achievements, and an achievement folder was created with her. We also discussed how to help Sandra manage her feelings. This helped her identify strategies she could use to control her emotions and how to express them in away that would not hurt others.

Sandra was able to set targets she valued, learned to understand how to achieve them and had the full support of her staff to do this. This included goals like losing weight, planning activities, and making sure she could have some of the occasional treats she wanted. She is now more independent and learning new skills every day to help her live in her own home. She is also recognising the responsibility she has when living in a community and how to respect those around her.

LDA continue to support Sandra and build on the skills she has learned. The journey of Sandra and her staff has not always been plain sailing but because of the way she is supported, her future looks much brighter. LDA staff hope to continue supporting Sandra to live her best life now, and for as long as she needs them.

We Specialise In

Learning Disability

Mental Health


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